Running Injuries


Course Description

Course Description:

Standard physical therapy and physical therapy assistant curriculums do not comprehensively address knowledge of sport-related injury or clinical reasoning skills to treat highly functioning, yet still injured, individuals. This course is designed for physical therapists and physical therapy assistants treating patients in an orthopedic or sports setting with a basic understanding of common musculoskeletal or overuse injuries in runners. This is an intermediate course level and requires basic knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries, gait mechanics, and functional anatomy. In this course, we will review the current running-related epidemiology, discuss clinical examination of the injured runner, including a practical method for performing gait analysis, and explore clinical reasoning surrounding assessment and treatment selection for injured runners.

This course will improve general knowledge of the underlying paradigms and research that have shaped current running-related injury assessment and intervention techniques and provide practice-specific tools to increase and enrich your clinical skill sets. After completion of this course, participants should be able to (1) appropriately assess injured runners and identify key contributing factors to injury, (2) employ clinical reasoning using evidence-based approach, and (3) develop and select appropriate interventions to treat common running-related injuries. Clinicians should expect to improve clinical reasoning skills and to apply a new skill set of gait analysis to enhance success in the evaluation and treatment of injured runners.


Contact Hours: 4
Text Course Format: Text
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced